Finding the Perfect Fit: A Guide to Choosing Specialty Contact Lenses

When you think about contact lenses, you might envision the standard lenses worn by millions to correct vision. However, there's a whole other realm of contact lenses designed to address specific eye conditions and unique visual needs. These are known as specialty contact lenses, and they are transforming the way individuals experience the world visually.

What Are Specialty Contact Lenses?

Specialty contact lenses are designed for individuals who cannot wear standard contact lenses due to certain eye conditions or irregularities. These lenses are often custom-made and tailored to meet the specific needs of your eyes.

Specialty contact lenses are the result of advanced technology and meticulous design, ensuring that they fit the exact curvature, size, and correction requirements of your eyes. They are not one-size-fits-all; instead, they are as individual as fingerprints, crafted to provide the best vision and comfort for your unique eyes.

Conditions Addressed by Specialty Contact Lenses

Specialty contact lenses are a game-changer for those with eye conditions that make wearing regular contact lenses a challenge. These conditions can range from corneal irregularities to severe dry eye syndrome, and each requires a unique contact lens solution.

Keratoconus is one such condition where the cornea, which is usually dome-shaped, begins to thin and bulge into a cone-like shape, causing distorted vision. Specialty lenses for keratoconus are designed to vault over the cornea, creating a smooth optical surface for improved vision.

Severe dry eye syndrome is another condition that can benefit from specialty lenses. Traditional contacts might exacerbate dryness, but certain specialty lenses are designed to retain moisture or protect the cornea, providing relief and clearer vision.

Post-surgical patients, such as those who have undergone corneal transplants or refractive surgery, may also require specialty lenses. Their eyes might have irregularities that standard lenses cannot accommodate, necessitating custom-designed lenses to achieve optimal vision correction.

Types of Specialty Contact Lenses

Scleral lenses are one of the most popular types of specialty lenses. These large-diameter lenses rest on the sclera, or white part of the eye, and vault over the cornea. They are ideal for conditions like keratoconus or severe dry eyes because they create a tear-filled chamber over the cornea, which can improve comfort and vision.

Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses are smaller and made of materials that allow oxygen to pass through to the eye. They are often used for their sharp vision quality and can be ideal for those with astigmatism or presbyopia.

Hybrid lenses combine a rigid gas-permeable center with a soft lens skirt, offering the clarity of RGP lenses with the comfort of soft lenses. This makes them a suitable option for individuals who require precision but find RGPs uncomfortable.

The Role of an Optometrist in Determining the Best Type and Fit

Selecting the right type of specialty contact lens is a meticulous process that should be undertaken with the guidance of an optometrist. Your optometrist plays a crucial role in evaluating your eyes and determining which specialty lens will best suit your unique needs.

During a comprehensive eye exam, your optometrist will assess the health of your eyes, measure their shape and size, and discuss your lifestyle requirements. This information is vital in making an informed decision about which specialty contact lenses will provide the best vision correction while ensuring comfort and eye health.

The fitting process for specialty lenses is more complex than for standard contacts. Your optometrist will use advanced equipment to map the surface of your eyes and create a lens that matches the contours of your cornea precisely. It's a partnership, with you and your optometrist working together to find the perfect fit that offers clear vision and maintains the health of your eyes.

Regular checkups with your optometrist are essential to ensure that your lenses continue to fit well and your eyes remain healthy. It's important to remember that your eyes can change over time, and so can your vision needs. By maintaining regular appointments, you ensure that your specialty contact lenses are always providing the best possible vision and comfort.


Specialty contact lenses offer a custom solution for those with unique vision needs, bringing clarity and comfort to individuals who might not find success with standard lenses. From understanding the different types and conditions they address to recognizing the integral role of an optometrist in determining the best type and fitting, this guide has highlighted the essential steps in finding your perfect lens fit.

Schedule an eye exam with our optometrist to determine if specialty contact lenses are the right solution for you visual needs and optimal comfort, visit Ciotti Eye Care at our office in Riverview, Florida. Call 813-212-7400 to book an appointment today.

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