
Ciotti Eye Care Blog

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Adults and Vision Therapy: It's Not Just for Kids

The eyes receive visual information and communicate with the brain to translate stimuli into images. They are complex organs that use muscles for various functions. Sometimes, the eyes do not work as effectively as they should.

How Often Do I Need a New Eyeglass Prescription?

One of the most common questions is, "how often do I need a new eyeglass prescription?" The answer isn't always straightforward and can depend on various factors.

When Should My Child First See an Eye Doctor?

Eye care for children, often referred to as pediatric eye care, is a specialized branch of ophthalmology that focuses on diagnosing and treating eye disorders in children.

Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that affects people with uncontrolled diabetes. It occurs when high blood sugar damages the retina’s blood vessels.

Top Eyewear Trends in 2023

Are you ready to upgrade your look in 2023? Eyewear has more purposes than just seeing clearly. As a fashion statement piece, it can boost your overall look.

What Happens During a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

One of our body's most intricate and vital organs is the eye. Your eyes are essential in assisting you in navigating and comprehending the environment. Unfortunately, many people neglect their eye health.

How Can Specialty Contacts Treat Myopia?

Studies show that myopia is a growing problem among children. This eye condition must receive early treatment. Early intervention can prevent complications later on. The American Academy of Orthokeratology & Myopia Control recommends MiSight® and ortho-k specialty lenses for myopia treatment. Here are the details about how these lenses can treat nearsightedness.

Who Can Benefit From Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy uses various exercises and activities to enhance the visual system. A skilled therapist collaborates with the patient to develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan must suit the patient's needs. It may include exercises to enhance eye movements, eye teaming, visual perception, and more.

Does Diabetes Affect the Eyes?

Diabetes impacts your body's ability to convert food into energy. When you consume food, your body breaks down most of it into glucose. This sugar then enters your bloodstream. The pancreas releases insulin to facilitate the entry of blood sugar into your cells. That is essential to produce energy.

How Do Specialty Contacts Differ From Regular Contact Lenses?

Specialty lenses are technology-enhanced lenses designed to address specific vision needs and eye conditions. They fit the unique shape of your eye and provide improved vision correction.

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