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Strabismus is a relatively common condition, affecting about 2-4% of the population worldwide. It is one of the most frequent eye disorders seen in children, though it can also develop in adults due to conditions like stroke or trauma. In the United States alone, it is estimated that around 12 million people are affected by strabismus, with varying degrees of severity. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential, as untreated strabismus in children can significantly impair visual development.


What is Strabismus?


Strabismus, commonly referred to as crossed eyes, is a condition in which the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. One eye may turn in, out, up, or down, while the other eye focuses correctly. This misalignment can be constant or intermittent and may affect one or both eyes. Strabismus occurs when the muscles controlling eye movement do not work together correctly, leading to difficulty in focusing both eyes on a single point. This condition can lead to visual issues such as double vision and, in some cases, can result in amblyopia (lazy eye) if left untreated.


How Does Strabismus Develop?


Strabismus develops when there is a disruption in the coordination of the muscles that control eye movement, leading to a misalignment of the eyes. This disruption can result from various causes, including genetic factors, neuromuscular conditions, or problems with the nerves that transmit signals to the eye muscles. In some cases, it may be present at birth, while in others, it can develop later in childhood or adulthood due to conditions such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, or even trauma to the eye or brain.


Signs and Symptoms of Strabismus


The primary symptom of strabismus is the visible misalignment of the eyes. However, there are other signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of this condition:

  • Blurred or double vision

  • Headaches or eye strain

  • Difficulty with depth perception and spatial awareness

  • Reduced visual acuity in one eye

  • Frequent eye rubbing or squinting

  • Tilting or turning the head to compensate for the misalignment

Types of Daily Contact Lenses

Wearing contact lenses gives patients the flexibility and freedom to live life to the fullest, without some of the difficulties presented by wearing glasses. Many people who choose contact lenses do so because they don’t like the way that glasses look or feel, or because wearing glasses compromises their ability to perform certain tasks or activities, such as sports or jobs that require the use of safety goggles. 

There are lots of different contact lenses to choose from, with two of the most popular being daily disposables and toric lenses. 

Disposable Lenses

As their name suggests, these daily contact lenses are disposable. This means that they can and should be discarded at the end of each day rather than re-worn. Disposable lenses do tend to be a little more expensive than some repeat-wear varieties, but the benefits usually outweigh the cost. 

Some of the advantages of choosing daily disposable contact lenses include:

  • You don’t have to clean them, which saves patients a great deal of time and hassle. It also helps save money in terms of the ongoing cost of cleaning solution. 

  • Disposable lenses are also great for people with eye allergies. This is because with ordinary lenses, there’s an opportunity for deposits and microorganisms to build up. With daily disposables, allergens have less chance to attach themselves to the lenses and cause irritation and other allergy symptoms. 

  • You don’t need to schedule regular replacements either, which makes wearing contact lenses easier on your schedule. 

  • Disposable contact lenses are particularly good for people who have busy lives and are likely to cut corners when it comes to caring for their eyes or contacts since there is no cleaning or maintenance required.

Daily disposable contact lenses are available in a wide range of prescriptions, including those for patients with nearsightedness and farsightedness. Your eye doctor will be able to advise you if you are a candidate for disposable contact lenses. 

Toric Lenses

Toric contact lenses are recommended for patients who have a refractive eye problem called astigmatism. Patients with astigmatism have corneal abnormalities that cause the refraction of the eye to be different between the vertical and horizontal planes, causing blurred vision and difficulty seeing fine details. Toric contact lenses are shaped in a particular way that creates the different focusing powers needed in each part of the lens to correct your vision. For this reason, it’s essential that Toric lenses are placed into the eyes in the correct position.

Fortunately, manufacturers design Toric lenses with features that help them to stay in place, including:

  • Thin/thick zones

  • Creating areas of the lens that are thicker or heavier which helps secure it in position 

  • An area where the bottom of the lens is slightly cut off 

To keep them stable, Toric lenses are a little firmer than conventional soft lenses. This means that some patients can find them a little less comfortable, but the superior vision they obtain outweighs this. Your eye doctor will be able to advise you if you are a good candidate for Toric contact lenses and which variety would best suit you. 

To find out more about daily contact lenses, speak to our friendly and knowledgeable team. 


Eye care professionals use Optikam’s technology to capture more than 3 million eyewear measurements every year. The OptikamPad iPad app is a total dispensing solution that enables eye care professionals to successfully assist patients at all stages of the eyewear dispensing process, providing them with a unique and custom patient experience.


Optikam Posture Devise (OPD)

You may be surprised to learn that wearing glasses can and likely will affect your posture. Glasses lenses are most accurate when you look directly through their center. This means if your glasses are sitting too low or have slipped down your nose, you may find that you are subconsciously tilting your head back and this can affect your overall posture.


Optikam’s OPD measurement device is a cutting-edge tool that obtains eyewear measurements that take into account how the frame will be worn by patients, enabling the fit to be customized to their individual parameters. The ten measurements taken into account when determining each patient’s position of wear include:

  • Monocular pupillary distance

  • Multifocal seg heights

  • Pantoscopic tilt

  • Rear vertex distance

  • Wrap (face form tilt)

  • Near pupillary distance


This results in frames that not only look fantastic, but that also fit perfectly, remaining both comfortable and stable on the face without you needing to adopt an unnatural posture. The measurements obtained by the Optikam OPD measurement tool are immediately visible on your eye doctor’s tablet so that they can recommend which alterations to the frames are needed to ensure that the frames fit with precision and gives you the best visual experience.


Benefits of OptikamPad and Optikam OPD

Traditionally, the process of a comprehensive eye exam, choosing frames and fitting glasses requires fairly close contact with your eye doctor or other eye care professionals. However, with social distancing being a new process variable, many patients are looking for more virtual options. Fortunately, OptikamPad makes it possible for optical stores to dispense eyeglasses with minimal human contact. This is because the OptikamPad can take measurements from a further distance or even through plexiglass screens. It can even be placed on a stand and the app operated using a Bluetooth mouse, putting even greater distance between your eye care professional and you. 

If you would like to find out more about Optikam OPD and OptikamPad, our knowledgeable team would be delighted to help. Please contact us with any questions or to schedule an appointment.

Atropine Drops

Myopia is a common vision problem affecting a large number of individuals worldwide. It occurs when the eye is unable to focus properly on distant objects, resulting in blurred vision. Myopia can develop during childhood and progress into adulthood if left unmanaged.

What Causes Myopia to Develop?


Myopia can be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. If one or both parents have myopia, there is a higher chance that their children will develop the condition. Additionally, excessive screen time, lack of outdoor activities, and prolonged near-work activities such as reading or using electronic devices can contribute to the development of myopia. These lifestyle factors can lead to the elongation of the eyeball, resulting in the inability to focus on distant objects.

The Importance of Myopia Management


Managing myopia is crucial to prevent its progression and associated complications. High levels of myopia can increase the risk of developing eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment.

Additionally, severe myopia can lead to vision loss and significantly impact the quality of life. Early intervention and proper management of myopia can help slow down its progression and reduce the risk of these complications.

MiBo Thermoflo

Dry eye is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This can lead to discomfort, irritation, and even vision problems. If you are suffering from the discomfort of dry eye, MiBo Thermoflo can offer you a revolutionary solution.

Understanding the Causes of Dry Eye


Dry eye is a condition that occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. There are several factors that can contribute to this condition, including environmental factors, certain medications, and aging. Environmental factors such as dry or windy climates, air conditioning, and excessive screen time can all worsen dry eye symptoms. Additionally, certain medications like antihistamines, decongestants, and diuretics can decrease tear production. Aging is also a common cause of dry eye, as tear production naturally decreases as we get older.

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and blepharitis are two common conditions that can contribute to the development of dry eye. MGD occurs when the meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing the oily layer of tears, become blocked or dysfunctional. This can lead to an inadequate amount of oil in the tears, causing them to evaporate too quickly. Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids that can disrupt the normal functioning of the meibomian glands.

Senior Care

Senior eye care is crucial for maintaining optimal vision and overall eye health as we age. As individuals grow older, they become more susceptible to age-related eye conditions. Regular comprehensive eye exams play a key role in early detection and management of these conditions, helping to preserve vision and prevent potential vision loss. By staying proactive with eye care and seeking timely professional assistance, seniors can enjoy clear, comfortable vision and ongoing eye health for years to come.

Common Eye Conditions in Seniors


As we reach our golden years, there are several eye conditions that become more prevalent. These conditions can have a significant impact on our vision and overall quality of life.

  • Presbyopia: This condition affects near vision, making it difficult to focus on close objects. It is a normal part of aging and is typically addressed with reading glasses or multifocal lenses.

  • Floaters and Flashes: As the vitreous inside the eye changes with age, it can lead to the perception of floaters (small dark spots or lines) and flashes of light. While often harmless, sudden onset of floaters and flashes may indicate a retinal tear or detachment and should be promptly evaluated.

  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in older adults. It affects the macula, the central part of the retina, leading to blurred or distorted central vision. There are two forms of AMD, dry AMD, and wet AMD, with the latter being more severe.

  • Cataracts: Cataracts are a common age-related condition characterized by the clouding of the eye's natural lens. This can lead to blurry vision, glare, and difficulty seeing in low-light conditions.

  • Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, often due to elevated intraocular pressure. It can result in peripheral vision loss and, if left untreated, may lead to total blindness.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy: For seniors with diabetes, diabetic retinopathy is a concern. It occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the retina, leading to vision problems and potential blindness if not managed.

  • Dry Eye Syndrome: Seniors may experience dry eye syndrome, characterized by insufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. It can cause discomfort, redness, and fluctuating vision.


Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical Coherence Tomography is a non-invasive imaging test that may be performed as a standard part of your regular, comprehensive exams, or you may be able to request this test as an addition to your usual exam.

Optical Coherence Tomography uses light waves to take cross-section images of your retina, which is the area of light-sensitive cells at the back of your eye that is responsible for receiving light and transmitting it into messages that are sent up to the brain. The technology behind OCT enables your eye doctor to see each of the different layers that make up the retina. By being able to see these and measure them, they can obtain a much clearer picture of the overall health and condition of your eyes.

Why are Optical Coherence Tomography scans important?


When you choose to have an OCT scan at fairly regular intervals, such as during your normal comprehensive eye exams, your eye doctor can compare newer results to previous ones. This helps them to build up a picture of the health of your eyes, and spot any changes which may be concerning, early, before they cause symptoms or have a permanent effect on your vision. 

Anyone can have an OCT scan, but they are particularly recommended for patients over the age of 25 who are concerned about the health of their eyes, or who are at risk of or already have diabetes, glaucoma or a family history of eye disease. This is because they can be used to spot the early signs of a range of eye diseases, including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, disorders of the optic nerve and more – even before you realize that you are affected.

Multifocal Contact Lenses

In the ever-evolving world of vision correction, multifocal contact lenses have emerged as a game-changer for individuals seeking a seamless solution to address their presbyopia. As you navigate through life's various stages, your eyes may undergo changes that can impact your ability to focus clearly on objects at different distances. Multifocal contact lenses offer a convenient and effective way to combat this challenge, providing you with a versatile and comfortable option for correcting your vision.

What Are Multifocal Contact Lenses?


Multifocal contact lenses are specialized lenses designed to correct presbyopia, a condition that typically occurs as you age, making it difficult to focus on near objects. Unlike traditional single-vision lenses that correct either near or distance vision, multifocal contact lenses incorporate multiple prescriptions into a single lens. This innovative design allows you to enjoy clear vision at various distances, eliminating the need for separate reading glasses or bifocals.

How Do Multifocal Contact Lenses Work?


Multifocal contact lenses employ advanced optical technologies to provide seamless vision correction. These lenses feature distinct zones or concentric rings that correspond to different prescriptions for near, intermediate, and distance vision. As your eyes move and focus on objects at varying distances, the appropriate zone of the lens comes into play, ensuring a clear and comfortable visual experience.

There are two main types of multifocal contact lens designs:

  • Simultaneous Vision Design: In this design, the lens incorporates multiple prescriptions simultaneously, allowing your eyes to utilize the appropriate zone based on the viewing distance. This design can take some time to adjust to, as your brain learns to interpret the different visual inputs.

  • Alternating Vision Design: Also known as "segmented" or "translating" lenses, these lenses have distinct zones for near and distance vision. As you move your eyes or shift your gaze, the appropriate zone is positioned in front of your pupil, providing the necessary correction.


Eye Conditions That Multifocal Contact Lenses Can Treat


Multifocal contact lenses are primarily designed to address the following vision-related conditions:

  • Presbyopia: As you age, the natural lenses in your eyes lose flexibility, making it challenging to focus on nearby objects. Multifocal contact lenses can correct this age-related farsightedness, allowing you to see clearly at all distances.

  • Myopia (Nearsightedness): If you struggle to see distant objects clearly, multifocal contact lenses can incorporate a prescription to correct myopia, while also providing near and intermediate vision correction.

  • Hyperopia (Farsightedness): For individuals with farsightedness, multifocal contact lenses can offer a solution by incorporating a prescription to improve distance vision, along with near and intermediate vision correction.

  • Astigmatism: Some multifocal contact lenses are designed to correct astigmatism, a condition caused by an irregularly shaped cornea or lens, resulting in blurred or distorted vision.


Astigmatism is a common refractive error that occurs when the cornea or lens of the eye is not perfectly spherical. Instead of having a uniform, rounded shape, the cornea or lens has a slightly more curved or irregular shape, resembling more of an oval or football-like appearance.

This irregular shape causes light to bend or refract unevenly as it enters the eye, leading to blurred or distorted vision. Astigmatism is often present from birth, but it can also develop later in life due to various factors, such as eye injuries, certain medical conditions, or the natural aging process.


Common Symptoms of Astigmatism


If you have astigmatism, you may experience a range of symptoms that can impact your daily life. Some of the most common symptoms of astigmatism include:

  • Blurred or distorted vision, especially at a distance or when reading

  • Difficulty seeing clearly at night or in low-light conditions

  • Frequent headaches or eye strain

  • Sensitivity to glare or bright lights

  • Double vision or the appearance of halos around lights

These symptoms can vary in severity and may become more pronounced over time, especially if the astigmatism is left uncorrected.


Migraines are a debilitating neurological condition that affect millions of people worldwide. One of the most common and disabling symptoms of migraines is light sensitivity, also known as photophobia. This heightened sensitivity to light can be a significant source of discomfort and pain for those suffering from migraines, making it difficult to function during an attack.

Photophobia is a common symptom of migraines, with up to 80% of migraine sufferers experiencing sensitivity to light during an attack. This sensitivity can be triggered by various types of light, including natural sunlight, fluorescent lighting, and even the glow of computer screens or smartphones.

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